Fairy Houses


In yesterday’s New York Times, there was a lengthy article about fairy houses! I brought it in for the Kindergarteners and pulled out our fairy house books. We read Fairy Houses by Tracy Kane, about Kristin, a girl who goes on vacation in Maine and finds that there is a forest where people build their own fairy houses. One of the main guidelines for building one is that you must use only natural materials. Because Kristin was so respectful of the natural world, many forest animals visit her fairy house. Ultimately, the fairies appear to thank her before they turn into monarch butterflies and fly away.

The children designed their own fairies and I helped with the hot glue gun. See some of our magical beings below!

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Tap the Magic Tree and Leaves


As I was walking into school today, I noticed that finally some beautiful leaves had fallen outside of the library door. I’ve been waiting to read some leaf stories to the younger children and now I had my opportunity. Both of the books I chose show the changing of the seasons as the trees go through their yearly cycles. Since the children in the Nursery and Early Ages classes are so young, I had to remind myself that they very well might not remember autumn and winter last year!


Tap the Tree is a wonderful book for the youngest children because it is so interactive. Everyone gets a chance to do something to help the tree along its journey.