Leo the Late Bloomer and Have You Seen My Cat?



IMG_7434Every time I visit the Early Ages classroom, the children tell me about Nice Tiger. Last week, one of the children was making Nice Tiger a birthday gift!

So I was excited to share my new stash of animals with the Early Agers, since it contains four lovely tigers. We read two stories, then spent some time playing with the animals. I offered to lend the children my tigers to use in their block play and they took me up on it….

IMG_7439Ready to go upstairs….

So far…

I realized that I have not been doing a good job of documenting the books I read to the Nursery and Early Age classes. Here is a list of what we have read together so far this year:

Caterpillar and Polliwog


Tap the Magic tree

Pick a Circle, Gather Squares

Going on a Leaf Hunt

Billy’s Picture

Farmer Duck

Leo the Ghost

Ghosts in the House

Chicken Sisters

Extra Yarn

The Surprise