So far…

I realized that I have not been doing a good job of documenting the books I read to the Nursery and Early Age classes. Here is a list of what we have read together so far this year:

Caterpillar and Polliwog


Tap the Magic tree

Pick a Circle, Gather Squares

Going on a Leaf Hunt

Billy’s Picture

Farmer Duck

Leo the Ghost

Ghosts in the House

Chicken Sisters

Extra Yarn

The Surprise

The Story Blanket

Today, I read The Story Blanket to the Nursery children. It is the story of an old lady who can’t get any wool yarn to use to knit new socks for a child, so she unravels the blanket that the town children sit on when they come to hear her stories. She continues to use the yarn for garments for the townsfolk and the story blanket shrinks and shrinks. Finally, everyone figures out what is happening and they collect yarn from their own blankets to contribute so the old lady can knit a new story blanket.

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I read the same story to the Kindergarteners, but paired it with No Roses For Harry. The theme of the day was unraveling!!!

The Cat Who Wouldn’t Come Inside and The Mouse Mansion


I just received the book The Mouse Mansion and wanted to share it with the Nursery and Early Ages classes. The author of this beautiful book created a 100-room “dollhouse” and filled it with furniture, accessories, and little handcrafted mice. She photographed different scenes and wrote a story about two mouse children who live inside.

The Cat Who Wouldn’t Come Inside also has handcrafted illustrations. The author, Cynthia Von Buhler,  based the story on a personal experience. While living in Boston, a feral cat began visiting her porch. Day after day, Cynthia fed it and tried to lure it into her warm home. This went on for a long time, until the cat became very ill. On its very last day of life, it entered the house and died in her arms. The story she tells in the book has a different ending – the woman joins the cat on the porch and they enjoy their time together outside.

I borrowed the Aftercare’s dollhouse and put some mice in it for the children to play with as they chose their library books.



A Turkey for Thanksgiving/Setting the Turkeys Free


I had some interesting conversations today with the Nursery, Early Ages, and Kindergarteners. I asked them if they remembered last year’s Thanksgiving, as I realized this morning that some of these children are barely 3 years old! Sure enough, the younger the child, the less they remembered about the Thanksgiving holiday.

We read a few different books – Happy Thanksgiving, Biscuit!, A Turkey for Thanksgiving, and Setting the Turkeys Free. Some of the children had already made turkeys in the classroom. While I love the traditional handprint turkey, I thought we would try a washi tape variation. The Kindergarteners traced their hands, turned the paper over, and laid down stripes of washi tape. Then they cut on the lines of their handprint, glued on a googly eye, and were ready to gobble!
